Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Dying Swan

Many of you may already know the story of The Swan Lake. If you don't, then click here. This video is my favorite from The Swan Lake, because it's the part where the sawn is dying. If I remember well, she was dying because the sawn lake had gotten out of water, and she wanted to get the water back with her tears. It was either that or that she was dying of love. 
If you din't know this story, and if I hadn't tell you what this scene means, based on the music and movements, what would you think it is about? 

By: Pablo Arimany


  1. Wow!! Looks like a jelly fish!!!! Her feet is super fast!!! I think this video is funny !! So cool!!!!

  2. Always when I see someone dancing ballet, it looks a little weird but beautiful. In the video..that woman really dances like a jelly fish hahaha it's my first time thinking that ballet sometimes looks hilarious. :D

  3. i think its a beautiful dance... ajaj yeah Ji Eun she does look like a jelly fish jajaj

  4. yeah she dance better than natile portman. if i try to dance ballet i would fall down and break a leg. i respect this girl for the dancing part

  5. It is amazing how they can stand on their toes and do the amazing moves. It is impressing how a form of art can change one person's thought and even change the people's emotions. I love watching ballet, and other kinds of dancing. and I actually LOVE dancing.

  6. Actually the music was pretty sad. I loved how skilled she is, to actually be able to make it look like if her arms were the wings of the swan. I think this was beautiful and imagine how much this woman had to practice in order for it to come out so perfectly done. Though at first I was like, "Mmmmm, she does not look like she is going to die, because it takes her like 3 minutes to die in the dance, but still it was worth watching and seeing her amazing skill and strength.

  7. I have never thought classical things such as ballet or classic music were beautiful but now I know that they are. The ballerina is really like a swan. Her body and movements are so soft that those helped her represent a dying swan well.
