Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Special bonds

This video is about a couple that adopted a baby lion. Eventually they left him in African because he was a full lion. This video shows them after the couple visits the lion a few years later. It is incredible to see how such strong bonds can be made even with other species even if they are known to be ferocious like the lions.
Do you think people should be allowed to have exotic animals as pets?
Luciano Wolff


  1. I think that if a person wants to have an exotic pet they must have it since the animal was just a baby. That way it learns how to be domestic. Even though having a wild animal as a pet is possible, a wild animal is always going to be a wild animal. They are always going to have the wild animal instincts.

  2. I once saw a movie about a boy having a cheetah as a pet.
    But the movie was in South Africa, where they are probably allowed to have these kinds of animals as pets.
    I dont see the problem with having these animals as pets unless it is in an area with many people around.

  3. YES, i think people should be allowed to have exotic animals as pets, but the animal must be baby because its easier to teach them to be domestic.

  4. I think it would be pretty cool to have a exotic animal as a pet. I would LOVE to have a tiger. I don't know why, but I have always wanted to have a pet tiger.

  5. Believe it or not, I read through this Nation Geographical magazine where experts explain how the effects of animal domestication actually affects the idiosyncrasies of that specific animal over different generations. They used foxes as an example where they were being tamed and they could see certain aspects, such as the position of their ears when they are born, their aggressive responses to human approach, and the constitution of their vertebrates at the end of their tail. Also, I think they should allow such domestication. My Grandmother had a halfbreed of a wolf and husk which was really cool!

  6. That was tender... In response to Luciano's question, I believe people can have all kinds of pets. As long as they are able to care for it and treat him or her like a friend

  7. They are lovable for the owners, but it might be dangerous to others so I think people should not be allowed to have exotic pets.

  8. Yes, exotic animals can be domesticated the problem is that a wild animal will always be a wild animal. We cannot change their nature completely. My dad had a monkey when he was little and he was friendly or dometicated, but when the monkey got a mate he became a agressive towards the people. He even bit my cousin, when he was just wanted to hold the mokey.

  9. I don't think people should keep exotic animals. Since they are adapted to the wild, they may feel encaged by the owners. Even though their owners may give them a lot of love, the love of their owners and the love of their parents are different. Also because exotic animals were born to live in the wild, they might not survive in the wild after they have grown.

  10. No I do not think people would be able to have exotic animals as pet. i guess it is because some are already endangered so if people have them as pets they might disappear.
