Friday, January 16, 2015

The Simple Message

Former professional wrestler, Marc Mero, tells a story about his relationship with his mother that brings this entire middle school to tears.  If you have a mother or father, tell them you love them!   “Life is not about winning the race. Life is about finishing the race, and how many people we can all help finish this race. How we can start being kinder to each other…”  Simply beautiful. This story is so sad. It brought almost all the high school into tears. This video has a very good important amazing message, that could probably impact your life. It is so sad, but I like it a lot because it gives a meaningful message. I wish you guys like this video as I did, and please comment. (and if you want, you can comment if you cried or not). When I watched this video I was a little distracted because my mom brought some friends over and they would not stop laughing, but if I hadnt been distracted I would have probably cried. Hope you guys all enjoy the video! 

-Gaby Paredes


  1. It is trutly a beautiful message. Its sad to know how our generation of teenagers has changed so much and most of us don't really appreciate spending time with the family. It really teaches us a lesson and it is touching what Marc says. I hope that teens these days finally realize the importance and meaning of loving your parents. Thanks for sharing Gaby.

  2. It's people like Marc that give inspiration to people our age these days. We're so worried about fitting in and living up to standards that we forget about what's really important in life. Marc, a wrestler, may seem cool to teenagers and they might think he is better off in the best hotels and winning fights. However, he experienced something that changed his life, and it didn't hit him until it was too late to makes things right with his mother. Life can be taken away in a heartbeat and at the end, nothing will matter except to have the satisfaction of ending things on good terms with the people you care about.

  3. I think the underlying message from Marc was very important. It is such an uplifting sight to see people going out to make differences in the lives of others, even if it is just by sharing their own trials and the things they learned from them. Life is short. We should always remember that we won't be with everyone forever. So it is even more important to keep in mind that we should all be a little kinder each day to the people we know and treat them with the real respect and kindness that every person deserves. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a beautiful message. As sad as it is, I think that in life we sometimes take the most important people for granted. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in ourselves, that we forget there are people on the side lines cheering us on. Because life can come and go so quickly, it is so crucial to appreciate every moment, day, person, and experience you have. You don't want to look back on your life and have regrets. However, that doesn't mean you should be careless and stupid with it. Like Marc said, what you do and who you hang out with now, influence your future. We need to be wise and grateful for everyone and everything we have, because life is precious.

  5. I feel that this is one of the important values that the society of today is lacking. The love and respect to parents. I'm glad that people like him is spreading this message to our reckless generation of teenager. It's sad to see how kids and teens treat their parents so bad and with such a lack of respect that it makes me wonder where we this society is going. I saw on the many teenagers that were moved with Marc's story and seemed to relate a lot. The most important message that I got from this video is that we should always show love, respect, and kindness towards the ones that we love because one day they are going to be gone and we could be found in the situation in which we didn't tell them how important are they in our lives. thanks for sharing!

  6. This video is very inspiring! I think we, as teenagers, really underestimate the importance of family in our lives. And we only start appreciating those gifts until we realize they will soon be gone. That happens all the time.

  7. Ok, he made me cry. What I love about what he said is that he is right. We are too focused trying to fit in, hanging out with our friends to get their approval and doing what they tell us to do because it's considered "cool" that we forget about our home. We forget the importance of our families. Very inspiring video.

  8. i loved this video.

  9. This video taught me a lot. When someone dies, we can't save or revive them. So I would like to spend most of my time with my family.
