Tuesday, September 30, 2014

News Broadcasters Handshake During Commercial Break

By: Lacey Duncan

Have you ever stopped to wonder about what happens behind the scenes on live television during commercial breaks?  Is this a time for restroom breaks or a moment to sneak a bite out of a donut or two before the commercials come to an end?  Well, for this pair of new broadcasters, it seems they’ve opted to using this time to do something rather unique.  Together, these two news anchors have devised an intricate and very complicated handshake to pass the time.  Perhaps they might be using it to measure just how long the commercial break is.  Or they could be doing out of sheer entertainment.  Whatever the case may be, it is worthy of a watch.  Do you have any specialized handshakes with anyone?  Comment what you thought about this particular one and if you have one of your own!


  1. I thought this was a very entertaining video when I watched it a while ago. Personally, I think their handshake is incredibly impressive because any time that I even try to create a handshake, it never goes anywhere. Haha! It also looks like it was very hard to learn. I have never had a handshake as intricate as this one, but I've tried to learn the "Parent Trap" one. :)

  2. Wow, its so intricate, it must of taken them ages to perfect their handshake. Its so cute how they have a handshake, like they are old friends or something. They even make sounds! The most intricate handshake I know, is a fist bump, i'm really bad at handshakes.

  3. Nice! It's quite amazing how they memorized such a long 'handshake.' I wonder how long it took them to learn it in a way that it's nearly flawless. I mean, they start messing up near the end, but it's logical; memorizing a 2-minute handshake is no easy task. It is also quite funny at the end when they're about to start broadcasting they're rushing to finish the handshake, and seconds later, it's all seriousness again. I would probably remember the guy more by looking at his epic handshake than by seeing him delivering the news to us.

  4. I could never learn such a long handshake. I can barely remember doing a simple one ajjaja. It is pretty cool how they are passing their time doing this, it looks like a lot of fun. It is also really unique and creative. I will, one day remember a long hand shake but for now i will stick to the short handshakes.

  5. One of the coolest and longest handshake I have ever seen! Imagine all the practice they did in order to come with this almost perfectly synchronized handshake. They must be very creative because I could have never imagine such cool moves for a handshake. I have handshakes with my best friend, friends, and my brother, but the coolest one is with my brother because is the longest and the most complicated. Handshakes are cool! Thanks for sharing!

  6. So when I was watching this video, I actually thought that this would be something Lily and I would do in class if we were distracted, or if a teacher wasn't in the classroom. Something that I also thought while watching this video was, what if two broadcasters didn't like each other? It would be really funny if they smiled at the camera and then for the commercial break they immediately gave each other dirty looks and ignored each other for the whole break. That wouldn't be a job I would like to do, because I wouldn't know how to act playful during the break and then abruptly be serious.

  7. I think it was funny how they were clearly just trying to accomplish finishing a handshake before the show began. It makes me wonder if they do it all of the time or if they are now satisfied with the fact that they completed it, and they won't do it again. Although I do wonder how many times they have tried and failed or if this was their first time, or how long it took them to learn it.

  8. I thought that this handshake was really cool and funny. I liked how they tried to do it before the show started. Laura, Emily, and I do the parent trap together as I guess our secret handshake. I think that it is crazy that the handshake lasted for as long as it did. I really liked all their sound effects that they did as they did the handshake.

  9. I loved how after their handshake was finished they acted as if nothing had happened. I wonder what other things they do off camera. I mean, of course they are normal people but they only have like two minutes between breaks. They have to do something else to keep their job interesting, right?

  10. This is actually really funny. I like how they added little sound effects to it and made like a song. It was also weird at the same time, like I would never expect news anchors to do that between commercial brakes. But i guess they need like something fun and interesting in their job now and then, besides just telling the news. Even if there are some fun new story every once in a while.

  11. I thought they seemed a little lost at first but then I realized it was pretty entertaining. I think it's cool how they are friends like that and not just coworkers. I also liked the sound effects they made while they did the handshake, that's something I would do. But everytime I try making a handshake with someone we never do it, I wish I had one handshake with a friend that we'd always do without even thinking about it.

  12. This video is so funny!! Now I want to make a special handshake :D I liked their sound effects they made and after they are done, the news starts right after and continue their news. It was really interesting that the news anchors use their time wisely and make their job more funny. I liked it. :)

  13. This video is pretty cool! I would like to know their handshake and do it with my friends.

  14. This video is so cool! Those presenters are really fun and creative people. I wish I had a handshake that cool.

  15. I had never seen such an elaborated handshake! I wonder how long it must have taken to think of every part of it, and how many times they failed to put it all up together! But if something is hard, it is worth giving a try :)

  16. That is the coolest handshake ever! i wonder how long it took for them to it or How many times they had to do it over and over again until they got it right.

  17. I cant believe they made such a long handshake. I would never be able to memorize the whole thing!

  18. Oh my god is a really long handshake

  19. I definitely think that Dania and I should learn this handshake. It would be pretty legit to go from class to class and do it. Though, I would probably want to shorten it. I think I would get pretty learning it and preforming it if we kept it that long.

  20. I don't saw part of the hand shake but correct me if I'm wrong the hand shake was made before the recording start right.

  21. I like how they make their hand shake and then act like nothing happened.

  22. HAHAHAHA that is just so funny. I think it is the best hand shake ever it is really funny to watch. I how could they invented that hand shake. It is hilarious. I think that if they could do that you could make everything possible.

  23. That hand shake was never ending ha ha very funny. I've seen recent videos about forecast presenters. I have to say anchorman Will Farell is much cooler than these two dudes. Nevrtheless the video was very funny and creative.

  24. The video was very funny, I never imagined those anchors would do that after their work. Also, it is funny how they act like nothing happened!! I wonder if they made that all that long hand shake moves.

  25. Wow that handshake was very long! It was kinda cool but I found myself wanting it to just end already. If they would've made it shorter I guess I would have enjoyed it a little more but I guess the point of the handshake is to last the whole break. With that being said, it would be fun to try and do it before they went back on.

  26. Wow this was a really long handshake. It's definitely cool though, i would want to learn it, but maybe i would make it a little shorter. I would never imagine that news broadcasters do something like that in their breaks.
