Monday, January 27, 2014

The Most Amazing Movie

     Most of you guys have seen the movie "frozen" Its a movie more for little kids but i guess that you could say that it is a really good movie. The movie itself has been released in more than 25 different languages. Also the movie itself made enough money for the producer to pay the debt that the United states has 5 times! It has been the most viewed movie since the "Lion King"You Guys should Watch it if you haven't! It is a really good movie with a different ending then most Disney movies.

-Isabella Diaz


  1. I really liked this movie. It was catchy, sweet and funny. I'm a die-hard Disney fan so I love a lot of Disney stuff but this is definitely one of my favorites. I can't wait til it comes out so I can buy it.

  2. I here that this movie has made a lot of money. But the United States debt is trillions of dollars. This movie has not even reached a billion dollars. Yet its close to its one-billion dollar mark which is impressive. According to Gitesh Pandya.

  3. I heard Frozen was an amazing movie, but I didn't get to watch it yet! I really want to see it but I never have the time!

  4. I saw Frozen! It really is an awesome movie! But I will say that it's the first movie I see where just about HALF the dialogue is singing. In other movies, I'd say about a quarter of dialogue is singing.
