Friday, January 10, 2014

Captain America The Winter Soldier

Tristan Arroyave

Some people think that the new movie “The Winter Soldier is about Captain America, but its about his companion Bucky Barns. Everyone thinks he has died but instead he lived when he fell of the train in a scene in da movie. During the fall Bucky’s left arm was hurt during the fall and had to be cut off. Later a Russian patrolman found him and took him in. His body was preserved in ice just like his friend Steve Rogers (Captain America). Bucky had suffered brain damage so he lost his memory.  Bucky later on gets a electronic arm. His job was to assonate people. You guys are probably mad that I spoiled some stuff so sorry :I.


  1. I've never seen the other Captain America movie because I guess I never really got around to it, but I love seeing the new movies and sequels that Marvel comes out with. I like superhero movies a lot and this one looks pretty great! :)

  2. You probably should've started with the spoiler alert, but you know, whatever. Captain America is awesome sauce and I've been looking forward to this movie for a while. Capt. America is a great symbol that there is hope in America if an Austrian/German decides to help. :)

  3. dude the last movie was alright but this one looks like it will be better

  4. Yay! Bucky is alive! I can't wait to see the movie! Its looks really good. I love the marvel movies and how all the movies all together make a really long story.

  5. Marvel is just so fricking awesome. I'm not sure I will be able to contain myself... when the movie comes out. Captain America is just so great. :D

  6. Well, I must certainly did not expect him to survive that fall. I did not even know that there was going to be another movie about Captain America, or, apparently, his friend, so don't worry, you didn´t spoil anything for me.

  7. I am really excited to see this movie. I have being waiting at least 1 year for it. Its good that Disney bought Marvel because now we have all this amazing movies.

  8. You wrote assassinate wrong

  9. Im sorry, I wrote a assassinate wrong. :I

  10. I love Marvel!!! Its so awesome I always liked Captain America. He is so awesome. I hope this movie is much better than the first one. I like all the Marvel Movies. They are awesomely cool.

  11. I have a strong feeling that this will be a great movie. I personally believe that Marvel always does a pretty good job with the movies they make so I don't think this movie will be an exception. I will try my best to see it when it comes out here in Guatemala.

  12. That was so cool! I can't wait for the movie! Marvel is doing an amazing job with these movies.

  13. Captain america!! thats why iam going to watch this movie jajaj.But the action scenes look pretty good and they made me nervous just by watching the trailer!

  14. I've seen the first one and it was pretty awesome! I can only say from this commercial that the sequel will probably be even more awesome!

  15. It is worth mentioning that in the original comics Captain America & Bucky had a similar relationship people associate with the duo Batman and Robin.

  16. I've been waiting for these Captain america movies, i slightly enjoyed the first movie, but i'm hoping that this movie is way better than the first one.

  17. The first captain America had a better plot, in my opinion. But I am looking forward to watching this movie.
