Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Would you fly in a windowless airplane?

Technicon Design made a model of a windowless airplane. Sounds scary doesn't it? Being claustrophobic, I cannot imagine flying inside that. But after seeing the pictures of what the IXION model would look like, I think it's pretty amazing. Instead of windows the IXION has panels all around its sides, so you feel like you are outside, but are still protected by the aircraft. What if you would like to know how it feels to fly over the amazon, you can ask the pilot, and he will project an image on the screens. Unfortunately, if the IXION is ever made, it would be very exclusive and only at reach of the elites of the world. Take a look at the pictures, I think they are pretty incredible.
-Sofia Lippmann


  1. Wow! This is really cool! I think that it is a good idea to have "transparent" panels and not just metal around the airplane because I think you can enjoy your trip more. Although I think that for people afraid of heights, it wouldn't be such a good idea because they think they might be falling or something. That might be fun to watch. =)

  2. I would love to ride in that! It would be so cool being able to see whatever I want while flying, even views from totally different countries. I love how big the projections are, so you wont have to fight the guy in the window seat to get a good view. Hopefully either they will become more common, or i'll have become really rich by the time they come out.

  3. Wow! That looks way interesting! I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to fly inside that plane! I'm sure the production would be very expensive though, not to mention the ticket and price to fly! It's always interesting and cool to see the new developments that are coming out. How exciting!

  4. I think it is pretty well done to install the panels instead of the windows and I would really try to fly in one of those IXION model airplanes.

  5. I would totally want to fly it.

  6. Well, that is really interesting. When you mentioned that it has no windows, I didn't like the idea that much because I like to look through the window, but when you mentioned that it can project different scenarios, like the amazon, or the space, I really liked it. The only thing is that it will be really, really expensive. Still, pretty cool, thanks for sharing.

  7. WoW know thats luxury! I would defently fly in a windowless plane because its safe. But i bet it will be soo expensive but so worth it in a special occasion. This plane is just awesome it must a lot of money to built an airplane like this.

  8. This is a really good idea because people can enjoy the flight even more. I would totally buy this if I had the money. Having just an airplane is cool but having an airplane with no windows is even better.

  9. The model of the plane looks really cool. I would ride it even if I'm slightly afraid of heights. It would be an expensive ride, but I think the view of looking at everything on top of the sky would be worth the money.

  10. This looks amazing! Every people can look at the country in a different so they can enjoy it a lot!

  11. This airplane looks really cool, it would be a little bit scary at the beginning but it would be awesome to be able to have a big view on the sky.

  12. That is so cool! I would love to travel in a plane like that. It would be really cool see the stars close and the moon. I bet it's really expensive to get one but it looks amazing.

  13. At first when you said windowless, I literally thought you meant without windows. After I read your article however, I understood. Nonetheless, I'd think it would be really cool to ride on one of those on day...

  14. This plane looks so awesome! Imagine yourself inn one of those looking at the view its so cool, but then again it will be really hard to fall asleep when it is daylight. Plus probably no one, except rich people, would fly in it.

  15. It looks really cool, but I agree I think I would have like a mini anxiety attack when I first get on. I also like actually seeing what is actually below me. And I think the projecting would get on my nerves after a while, or I would get bored and not be able to think of a place I want projected. But it is still pretty cool.

  16. This looks super awesome! You can actually see the sky and where you are and It would be super cool. Especially the projector thing, it makes this plane more interesting. I would really want to get on that plane some day...

  17. This is a pretty good idea for people who are claustrophobic, also it would be unfair to other pilots, because it is only elite pilots can fly it. I think that other pilots should get a chance to fly it.

  18. I have seen this plane before on sites like tumblr and instagram, but I always taught it was fake. I would definitely fly on this plane if I had the chance to. Maybe one day in the future, regular planes will be something like this.

  19. Wow, this is a very cool idea. But I don't think I would want to fly in a windowless airplane because I feel like that is going to make me unsafe and make me more nervous. However, this is a very cool idea, but I think it would be very expensive.

  20. Wow, this air plane looks so fake, but at the same time cool. I would like to try this one, but also I would stick with the old air planes with windows because many times I just enjoy looking at the outside view from the window. This is cool, but still too much technology for me.

  21. Wow, this looks great, but i think I would be paranoid inside one. I'd probably want to be able to see where I'm going, its cool anyway and I'd definitely try one.

  22. It looks cool though I would want to ride that. The inside of the plane looks really cool.

  23. Yeah it sound cool! It would be awesome and it looks a lot safer than normal planes. I would like better to ride one of this planes than a normal one.

  24. I think that is type of airplanes will be the future of flying. I think that, because since the airplane will have windows to see the outside, the fly will be more interactive and fun. If all the flies are like this, they won't be as boring as they were and will be enjoying them more.

  25. Oh my god that looks so cool!!! I never thought of something like airplane without window!!! I thought if airplanes don't have window it would be really boring. But it looks even better than one with windeow

  26. I wouldn't like to be in a windowless, plane, I really wouldn't. First of all you coulnd't know what is going on outside of the plane. And that just freaks me out. I spend a lot of time in planes, and they didn't have windows I just wouldnt get on them.

  27. This a very innovating dynamic of what aviation will be like in the years to come. How people in this world become rich is by creating a product that makes life more enjoyable. Although this would not be considered a product for the general public, the high class aviation companies are sure to be interested. Mark my word, This plane will soon become a reality.

  28. When I first heard windowless airplane, I got a little claustrophobic, but this is way cooler than what i was imagining. This is innovative, efficient, and more importantly expensive.

  29. It looks really cool, but sometimes it's really fun to see outside as you lift into the air. But the fake walls and stuff looks really cool, it'd be cool if you could put movies on it too. But I think I'd mostly ride it for the comfy seats and the space inside like in the pictures, that'd be nice.

  30. wow I would totally fly in that. I would even live in it. I wish I could fly in one of those.
