Friday, April 4, 2014

Brain Teasers

Brain teasers are one of the most interesting things that can play with your mind, besides mazes, that I find incredibly entertaining. Although they can sometimes be pretty confusing, they are not impossible to soIve. I guess you must practice completing brainteasers for you to become better, for to be an expert in something everyone needs practice. I found these brain teasers in Youtube (again through my random video clicking, it is a quite good technique) and thought they were pretty easy.

You might not think the same thing though. But don´t worry, believe me I was also fooled by one of them, but the rest are ok. I believe everyone can complete these five brain teasers, so go ahead. Watch the video, try to answer them and then tell me how many you were able to answer? Were you fooled by any of them? After seeing what the answer was, did you laugh at its obviousness? Because that is exactly what I do when those brain teasers fool me, I laugh at how obvious the answer was and how they fooled me. 
Ps: Don´t take the ¨How smart are you¨ part too serious. I mean if you don´t answer them correctly, or can´t find the answer, it doesn´t mean that you are dumb or anything, just that you were fooled by the questions.

-Carlota Carrillo


  1. Hahahaha this is amazing! hahah I just got 3 right! I know I am not a genious but I think 3 are enough to be smart :P These are really good brain teasers. I got frustated if I got it wrong because the question was really simple but the answer was incorrect. You need to analyse the question.

  2. That is so cool!! I just got one, but in the last one I knew it was going to start with "J", correct and four incorrect. It is so interesting all the questions. I liked it because it really makes you think a lot about it. It is really cool. All of the five questions. It is awesome!!!!!!!

  3. These brain teasers are awesome! I didn't get any of them right. I've always sucked at brain teasers. I always try to get logical answers out of the question instead of the actual, simple answer.

  4. Haha that was pretty cool. They got me good on the picture with a wooden leg. I didn't know what I was thinking. I like you kinda feel stupid after you finish one, they make the answer seem so easy.

  5. Nice! Out of the five brain teasers, I just got the last one... They were all pretty darn cool though. I think that with these things, you have to pay a lot of attention to the way the phrase is worded because this tends to change the meaning completely. Also, sometimes you over-think the brain teasers, which is why we can't answer them in many cases.

  6. Hahaha this was a great video. I got three out of five. The wooden leg one was so easy, I have done jokes like that but I don't know why I didn't get that. You need to be careful with this questions and read them with attention. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  7. I didn't get them all but I got a few. The only one that made me laugh was the first one though. There are a lot of videos like this one. They are great and I really enjoy them.

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  9. I thought this video was really funny. I only got one correct... I guess I wasn't a genius :D But I thought the answers were kinda stupid and funny at the same time. I was just like "WHAT?!?!?!" But I mostly enjoyed. It was interesting video. ^^

  10. AHAHAHAHA I only got one correct! This is an awesome test thingy. It really does work your brain! i like it because you really need to read and think critically before you answer.

  11. I only got like two of them but these are pretty tricky, I think our minds try too hard to answer the question when it really isn't that hard. One of the ones that totally threw me off was the egg yolk one. I am always seeing these types of questions on Facebook, especially the one with the children.

  12. Clever... *strokes invisible beard*. The first two were hard. The first one I didn't get at all, with the answer, but the second one I got once I saw the answer. But I was able to get the other three, those weren't as hard. In my opinion, those were easy.

  13. I got two out of the five. That was pretty fun though! Brain teasers are always fun to watch because they really test your mind to think in ways that you aren't used to. It's nice to have challenge once in a while. Thanks for posting this video. It was neat.

  14. I got the first one and the third one, but I think that those were just put in to make you feel better about yourself. I really had no clue of what the other ones were. Never the less it was funny to see what the answers were I really enjoyed it.

  15. This brain teasers were very cleaver! I got some of them, but there were some that I didn't expect the answer. Brain teasers are really fun. They make you think in different ways. Although, if you don't get the answer sometimes you might feel a little bit dumb.
