Monday, January 16, 2012

This is too cool

by: lars

Voice actors are insane! Check this guy out and tell me that you would just love to be able to do this. I would joke around all day long! More on voice acting:


  1. I wish I could have a voice like that, so I can fake my voice in many ways. Although this skill may be used in many bad ways, I would love to have different voice. It would be funny to have numerous voices. It would scare out a lot of people on the phone...

  2. Wow this is really cool! I would really like to do that. imagine all the things that you would be able to do if you were a voice actor. Like you had said, you could come up with so many jokes and no one would be able to know that it was you.

  3. Man! this guy really knows how to make different voices!! I wish I could have a voice like that too!! If I hadn't been able to see the guy, then I would have thought that they were different people!

  4. His Morgan Freeman is stupendous. Its not just the voice but the acting. He changes his personality to suit the character and I think that is half the act.

  5. That was some really good voice acting. He really did sound like the people he was imitating. At first I didn't really believe that he was actually going to sound like them, but no I am a believer!

  6. Wow, he has thousands of voices. What I thought while watching this video was that if I had those voices I would live my life making prank calls!

  7. I've always wanted to impersonate Forrest Gump's voice. I would quote verbatim the entire movie. Next, I would like Dule Hill's voice so I could quote half of the Psych episodes.

    I wonder how this guy trained his voice to do this. Moreover, is it a "gift?" Can only certain people do this? Are any of you able to do something like this?

  8. I agree with you Edie, being able to impersonate Forrest Gump's voice would be pretty amazing. It is one of my favorite movies, and to be able to say the lines in the same voice would be cool.

  9. This guy has a great skill! I really wish I could be able to do that. But more than that, I would like to be a ventriloquist, so that I could make different voices, but at the same time have no one know that I am the one talking. That would be really fun.

  10. I would love to have that talent, that way I can annoy people by mimicking them. I showed this to my parents lats week, and they were also really impressed. His voice sounded so much like the actors, that they thought that it was fake.
